
Standard delivery terms:

  • Profeet currently only delivers to the UK.
  • Standard delivery is currently FREE on all purchases over £50.
  • Once we receive confirmation of your order and payment from Sagepay or Paypal we aim to dispatch your order the next working day. For Express orders received before 2pm we aim to dispatch the same day.
  • Standard Deliveries are shipped by Royal Mail Tracked 48, but we may also use other couriers from time to time.
  • Including dispatch time delivery is usually 4 - 5 days from date of purchase.
  • Express delivery is available to purchase. We use Royal Mail Special Delivery and Royal Mail Tracked 24 to dispatch Express deliveries, but we may use other similar couriers from time to time. Where the purchase is before 2pm on a working day, we will endeavour to dispatch the same day. You will usually receive your purchase the next day, but this may take 1 - 2 days.
  • Please ensure someone is home and able to sign for the delivery. Royal Mail require a signature to receive Special Delivery/Signed For Services.
  • If there is no response when delivery is attempted then Royal Mail should leave a calling card to advise where the parcel has been taken (local Customer Service Point).  You will need to visit the CSP with ID in order to retrieve your item.
  • If a product is out of stock, we will notify you and offer either a revised date of availability or a refund.